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Search Keyword:Nartograstim (Genetical Recombination)
Search Records:1

Nartograstim (Genetical Recombination)

Nartograstim (Genetical Recombination) is an aqueous solution in which a desired product is a recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) analog. It is N-methionylated, and threonine, leucine, glycine, proline and cysteine residues at the positions, 1, 3, 4, 5 and 17 of G-CSF are substituted by alanine, threonine, tyrosine, arginine and serine, respectively. It is a glycoprotein consisting of 175 amino acid residues.
It contains not less than 0.9 mg and not more than 2.1 mg of protein per mL, and not less than 4.0 × 108 units per mg of protein.

C850H1344N226O245S8  : 18905.65

Contact Information for Japanese Accepted Names (JAN) Name and Structure Database
National Institute of Health Sciences