The Japanese Pharmacopoeia Name and Structure Database

This database includes English name, structural formula, molecular formula and molecular mass, chemical name and CAS registry number of "the Japanese Pharmacopoeia".
As this database which is now opened to the public is just for evaluation and we haven't checked the input data completely. Please check the printed version.
Search by JP Name
Input English name in the box and click "Submit". You can search from part of the
You can also select from the following alphabet list.
| N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Search by CAS Registry Number
Input CAS registry number in the box and click "Submit".
Search by Chemical Name
Input chemical name in the box and click "Submit". You can search from part of the chemical name.

"The Japanese Pharmacopoeia Eighteenth Edition Name and Structure Database" is a database which is being developed by Division of Medicinal Safety Science and Division of Organic Chemistry in National Institute of Health Sciences. It is opened to the public to be evaluated. You are free to link to this page.
This database is not an official one, so please note that each of the users bears the responsibility.
Related Resources
- Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
- Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency, Japan
- Japanese Pharmacopoeia Eighteenth Edition (JP18)
- Japanese Pharmacopoeia Seventeenth Edition (JP17) (PDF full text)
- Japanese Pharmacopoeia Sixteenth Edition (JP17), Supplement I (PDF full text)
- Japanese Pharmacopoeia Sixteenth Edition (JP17), Supplement II (PDF full text)
- Japanese Pharmacopoeia Sixteenth Edition (JP16) (PDF full text)
- Japanese Pharmacopoeia Sixteenth Edition (JP16), Supplement I (PDF full text)
- Japanese Pharmacopoeia Sixteenth Edition (JP16), Supplement II (PDF full text)
- Japanese Pharmacopoeia Fifteenth Edition (JP15) (PDF full text)
- Japanese Pharmacopoeia Fifteenth Edition (JP15), Supplement I (PDF full text)
- Japanese Pharmacopoeia Fifteenth Edition (JP15), Supplement II (PDF full text)
- Japanese Pharmacopoeia Forteenth Edition (JP14) (PDF full text)
- Japanese Pharmacopoeia Forteenth Edition (JP14), Supplement I (PDF full text)
- Japanese Pharmacopoeia Forteenth Edition (JP14), Supplement II (PDF full text)
- Japanese Accepted Names for Pharmaceuticals (JAN) Database